Monday, January 26, 2009

Paul Antonson

I'll be featuring some posts on artists and illustrators that i like & the why's.
Check out Village Voice's illustrator Paul Antonson, i like his sketchbook pages.
For the past who knows how many years, Paul has made the voice cover for his Mermaid Parade illustrations.
I've always been a big fan of sketchbooks, leafing through other's, obsessively cataloging and gushing over my own, which i keep next to me on shelves at all times.
Sketchbooks are personal, revealing, honest, magical and precious.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I've included you in my blogroll at Small Hands, Big Ideas. I love the work you're featuring, your own and others! Paul Antonson's work is vibrant, I was immediately drawn to this Mermaid print. Looking forward to see the rest of your work.
